Heels Therapeutic Bodywork
Massage from Head to Heels


Infrared Sauna Pricing (30-minute Session)

One Person $45

Membership per month $60: must enroll in automatic payments for membership dues. Come as often as you want. (Limit one 30 minute session per day) during allotted time frame for walk-in sauna sessions.
*First session must have a scheduled appointment. 

How Do Far Infrared Saunas Work?

Infrared Saunas are unlike conventional saunas, which pull sweat out of the body.  Far Infrared energy penetrates up to 3 inches into the body and PUSHES sweat out of the body.  As the body is heated from the inside out, it forces toxins under the skin out.

The temperature of the Infrared Sauna is typically between 120°-135° F versus a traditional sauna, which operates between 180°-220° F.  However, despite operating at a lower temperature, you will typically perspire far more in infrared saunas because the infrared energy penetrates your body at a much deeper level.

 Like candle wax that melts when it is lit, fat melts above 100°F making it easy for trapped toxins to move through blood and up through the skin to be released.  Scientific analysis shows infrared heat induced sweat contains 20-30% more toxins, fat and impurities than sweat induced from exercise or other sources.

Far Infrared Saunas are a healthy weight loss solution without exercising.  Infrared Saunas burn 400-600 calories in just one 30-minute session. In a Far Infrared Sauna, a moderately fit person can sweat one pound of sweat in a 30-minute session; the equivalent of running 2-3 miles. While it is true that the weight of the water expelled in the sauna may be regained by re-hydrating with water-the calories lost will not, resulting in weight loss.

Top 11 Reasons to Use an Infrared Sauna

1)  Weight Loss

2)  Detoxify Effect-Improve health by ridding your body of toxins

3)  Cardiovascular conditioning-Can decrease heart failure and hypertension

4)  Alleviates Muscle and Joint Pain-Great for arthritis and rheumatism sufferers.
5)  Excellent for athletes when warming up or cooling down as infrared saunas will increase muscle length. Infrared heat can greatly benefit the sore, damaged or tired muscles of an athlete.  The heat penetrates the muscles, increasing blood circulation and assisting muscle repair.  Infrared heat will also help in the reduction of lactic acid, allowing tight and worn-out muscles to relax.  The penetrating heat of the infrared sauna can also help ease the pain of a muscle sprain (after administration of cold and compression).

6)  Relieves stress-Will leave you feeling rejuvenated

7)  Improves Immune System-Increases resistance to disease

8)  Improves Skin Tone and Elasticity

9)  Helps Skin Problems-Helps heal scars, burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis

10)  Reduces cellulite: Far Infrared heat can assist in breaking down cellulite.  Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below the skin.  Profuse sweating helps clear this form of unwanted debris from the body.  Because heat penetration of Infrared Saunas is over twice that of conventional saunas and up to ten times the level of heat in these tissues an infrared sauna can be significantly more effective than a conventional sauna.

11) Improves male sexual function; infrared saunas have been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide, a naturally occurring chemical the body needs for sexual function which diminishes with age


Sauna rules and guidelines


  •  What to wear: Best Sauna Attire: Nothing Or: A Swimsuit

The sauna is a like bath. It is a way to clean and exercise your skin. The best way to sauna is naked with all of your skin exposed to the heat. As you are in there, you don’t have to worry about any clothing getting soaked with sweat, and when you get out, you don’t need to worry about your clothes holding heat. Of course, don’t forget you still need a towel to sit or lay on while you are in the sauna. If you are modest, you can wrap yourself in a towel or sarong while in the sauna. 

Since you’ll be sweating profusely in the sauna, a swimsuit is a good compromise when you are more comfortable wearing something. If you are going to wear a swimsuit in the sauna, don’t wear it under your clothes. You want to change into it there, preferably just before you use the sauna.

Definitely avoid any suit with an underwire. The metal in the underwire will heat up quickly in any sauna and can burn you. Yikes!

  • No Shoes, Shirts, Sweat Pants, or Sauna Suits are allowed in the Sauna
  • Children under the age of 16 years may only use the saunas with direct supervision of a parent/ guardian.
  • Parents should be advised that there are additional risks and hazards related to children’s use of saunas.
  • No sweatpants, shirts or shoes are allowed in the sauna.
  • Patrons are advised to use towel when sitting on sauna benches.
  • Bring your own towel.  Don’t forget to sit on a towel when you are in the sauna. Your bare skin should not touch the wood of the sauna benches.